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Monday, June 14, 2010

Try this yummy dessert!

I know that I have said more than once that I am on Weight  Watchers.  Well I have been bored with the diet because I keep eating the same thing E V E R Y   S I N G L E  N I G H T!  Ughhh  how excited can you be about grilled chicken after 4 weeks of having it every night!  The problem is my husband is trying to loose weight, and he only likes chicken on this diet that he is doing - and he refuses to try Weight Watchers!  So I've decided to just venture away from what he is doing because I just can't eat chicken twice a day everyday.  I will start hiding in my car shoving down hamburgers soon!

So last week I tried pork tenderloin and it was good (next time I'm leaving off the Cinnamon).  Tonight I am doing another pork tenderloin, but it will be seasoned with Greek seasoning and grilled!  Sounds yummy doesnt' it?  Last night I was struggling with a sweet tooth.  The problem is that I don't really like ice cream much.  I do like some pie! 

Well I figured out the points value on this and I'm so excited that it is only 5pts! (I know that's a lot but still not that bad! if you have the points left over!)

You can get these little cups from Sams' club with lids.  This makes 29 individual servings!

1 1/4 c. of Graham Cracker Crumbs
3 tablespoons. of sugar
1/3 c. melted butter

mix together and spoon 1 tablespoon in each of the 29 cups  I don't mash it down I like it loose in the bottom but you can mash it if you like.

1 large tub of the light Cool Whip
1 can of frozen Lemonade
1 can of Eagle Brand milk

In a large bowl mix all this together with you mixer on low setting, until all is blended well, then spoon into each cup (about 2 table spoons in each)  freeze.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to have a dessert that I love! (I really love apple pie, but I don't think I can squeeze that down to a serving size that will fit into my daily points values!)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This look really good! I can't wait to give it a try!
-Jessica a.k.a Nya's mom