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Monday, January 3, 2011

I didn't know you were religious

Wow, those words hurt. 

We were at dance a few weeks ago, and one of my fellow dancers had some health issues that required kidney surgery.  She was out about 3 weeks, and after the results were in she came by to give us an update.  While we were talking I said "Hey I'm glad you are here, I've been praying for good news."  She said that she didn't even know that I knew what was going on because she had not seen me.  So my next response was "Those of us that didn't rush to the bedside, were busy on our knees asking our Father to heal you and bring good news with the results"  At that point another dancer said "I didn't know you were religious" 

If that's not a wake up call to any Christian then I don't know what is. I have been a Sunday Christian.  That' s not good.  Do you realize that if we only go to church on Sunday and we don't spend time with our Lord then we only spend 52 days a year in his service, and 313 days a year serving Satan.  I never really thought of it that way.  I'm not saying that I was spending my week worshiping the Devil, of course I wasn't doing that.  I was just not letting Christ shine through me, I was not living so that people had no doubt that I LOVE JESUS!!!!! 

My first and most important New Years Resolution is to make sure that I live like a Christian, I am going to let myself go so that Jesus can live through me.   I don't want to just Love God, I want to Live for Him.   


Tire Swing Mom said...

So true. We should all take this to heart. Thanks for sharing.

The Undomestic Mom said...

this is a great post to remind all of us how important it is the live each day for Him. Thanks for posting!

Rachel said...

It's such a jolt sometimes when God uses other people to encourage and inspire us to be more bold about our faith!

So glad you're taking something good from this :)