I Love Comments!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Getting to know You

1 - Why did you start blogging?

      I was on Facebook one day and a friend posted about her daughters blog.  I went over and read it and I
      laughed until I cried!  I started checking in with her and going around to other blogs.   I really enjoyed 
      reading them, and I actually like blogger more than Facebook!  I started blogging in the last couple of
      weeks.  So I'm not great by no means but I look forward to getting to know new people and making
      new blogger friends!

2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
        Well I've just started - but I already know Amber's family - so I will start with her (her dad
       married me  and my husband! Five years ago this week!)
3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your    
       husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
       10?  More like 30!  I just want to be comfortable with the way I look again!

4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
       Sometimes it would be nice if you would just make a decision about where we eat.  I really don't care
      you are the picky one!
5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
      none but I thought about getting one
6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
      this year! - I just know that God has something great for me this year!

7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
      Oh boy I really don't know, it would be awesome to know what everything is like from a man's point of
     view!   Maybe go hang out with the guys to see what they really do!Other than that I really don't know

8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
       I don't drink often so nothing would raise an eyebrow (except if one of my friends were around, they
       would be shocked if I ordered a drink)  If I am drinking I order Smirnoff Ice Black or Red  or a White

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny about the weight thing since we were just talking about that at the Double Wide. I've never met you and think you look GREAT! Listen to your body. She's your best friend!